How do I get my payment history?

You can download your payment history at any time from Wordbridge. Follow the instructions on the attached file.

Payment History Instructions
What does the “pending” status mean?

When the status says “pending” it means SOSi has not been paid by the insurance company. By contract, SOSi does not pay an encounter until SOSi has been paid.

When am I getting paid?

The insurance companies have a 60 day window to pay invoices.  When the invoice goes over 60 days, SOSi sends collection notices attempting to obtain payment.  We will continue to send collection notices until the invoices are paid.  After an invoice is paid to SOSi, SOSi has an additional 15 days to get payments out to LAPs.

Why did I not get paid for a No Show appointment?

Per the contract with L&I, LAPs are not paid for no shows unless it is for an Independent Medical Examination (IME). WLNI determines these.

What are the rates for each modality?

The rates for each modality are as follows:

  1. Over the Phone – OPI $0.70 p/minute
  2. In Person – IPI $1.08 p/minute
  3. Virtual – VRI $0.87 p/minute
Will my interpretation credentials be accepted?

Once you have registered and created your account on Wordbridge, please upload your interpretation credentials and SOSi will verify if they are accepted by The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries.

Am I required to obtain a UBI (Unified Business Identifier)? Will SOSi pay for it?

The Washington State Depart of Labor & Industries requires that all onboarding candidates obtain a UBI (Unified Business Identifier) with the Washington State Department of Revenue. Please keep in mind that SOSi will not cover any expenses to obtain a UBI. SOSi highly encourages candidates to obtain a UBI once their interpretation credentials have been accepted.

Can rates be re-negotiated?

waic@sosi.com will advise the IC that: “SOSi does not have the ability to negotiate the rates offered on the contract, as they are determined by the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries and are not set by SOSi.”